


Estos tres equipos continuarán en el proceso para seleccionar a dos de ellos como candidatos de NASA global.

Among candidate for NASA: Water Bears

Among candidates to go to NASA: Neuro Shield

Among candidates to go to NASA: Physion

Local awards

Most Inspirational: SuperNova
Global Community: Obsidian
Best use of Science and Technology (tie): Water Bears and Neuro Shield
People’s Choice: Project Ares
Most Creative: AEriusCCA

Best use of Science and Technology (tie): Water Bears

Best use of Science and Technology (tie): Neuro Shield

Award: Global Community: Obsidian

AWARD: Most Insprirational: SuperNova

AWARD: People's Choice_Project: ARES

Winners Most Creative Award


Participaron en total 15 equipos.

AEriusCCA (6)
“In everything love and serve”
Challenge: Learning Through the Looking Glass

“El Sol es el rompecabezas principal del universo”
Challenge: On the Way to the Sun

(Al)-Tracker (1)
“Guiding you to our floating aluminum house”
Challenge: Track the Space Station in 3D

Astrophel Team (4)
“It is a fixer upper of a planet but we could make it work”
Challenge: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

Neuro Shield (5)
“For the defense of all”
Challenge: Save the Earth from another Carrington Event”

Obsidian (6)
“Better Together”
Challenge: How does climate change affect you?

Physion (6)
“Discover! Invent! Create!
Challenge: Measuring Open Science

Pixel Stargazers (6)
“Digital stargazing has never been easier”
Challenge: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

Project ARES (6)
“To Infinity and Beyond”- Buzz Lightyear
Challenge: Outfitting a Mars Habitat: A 3D Print Challenge

Ruche d’abeil (4)
“Explorando lo incognito”
Challenge: Learning through the Looking Glass

Space Adventures (2)
“Telling Adventures”
Challenge: On the Way to the Sun

SuperNova (6)
“El origen de ideas explosivas”
Challenge: Build a Space Biology Superhero

USLA Team (2)
“The sky is the limit”
Challenge: Visualizing the Jovian System Like Never Before

ULSA Team (3)
“EL secreto del éxito está en cada uno de nosotros”
Challenge: Outfitting a Mars Habitat: A 3D Print Challenge

Water Bears (5)
Apocalyptic conditions? Water bears don’t care
Challenge: Exploring Venus Together

The experience CURIE

Arrival and Registration

Galleries of the NASA Space Apps Challenge 2022 Experience at Curie

2022 Managua NASA International Space Apps Challenge Collaborators

2022 NASA Space Apps Challenge Global Data







Nasa Space Apps 2023