Estos tres equipos continuarán en el proceso para seleccionar a dos de ellos como candidatos de NASA global.
Among candidate for NASA: Water Bears
Among candidates to go to NASA: Neuro Shield
Among candidates to go to NASA: Physion
Most Inspirational: SuperNova
Global Community: Obsidian
Best use of Science and Technology (tie): Water Bears and Neuro Shield
People’s Choice: Project Ares
Most Creative: AEriusCCA
Best use of Science and Technology (tie): Water Bears
Best use of Science and Technology (tie): Neuro Shield
Award: Global Community: Obsidian
AWARD: Most Insprirational: SuperNova
AWARD: People's Choice_Project: ARES
Winners Most Creative Award
Participaron en total 15 equipos.
AEriusCCA (6)
“In everything love and serve”
Challenge: Learning Through the Looking Glass
“El Sol es el rompecabezas principal del universo”
Challenge: On the Way to the Sun
(Al)-Tracker (1)
“Guiding you to our floating aluminum house”
Challenge: Track the Space Station in 3D
Astrophel Team (4)
“It is a fixer upper of a planet but we could make it work”
Challenge: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Neuro Shield (5)
“For the defense of all”
Challenge: Save the Earth from another Carrington Event”
Obsidian (6)
“Better Together”
Challenge: How does climate change affect you?
Physion (6)
“Discover! Invent! Create!
Challenge: Measuring Open Science
Pixel Stargazers (6)
“Digital stargazing has never been easier”
Challenge: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Project ARES (6)
“To Infinity and Beyond”- Buzz Lightyear
Challenge: Outfitting a Mars Habitat: A 3D Print Challenge
Ruche d’abeil (4)
“Explorando lo incognito”
Challenge: Learning through the Looking Glass
Space Adventures (2)
“Telling Adventures”
Challenge: On the Way to the Sun
SuperNova (6)
“El origen de ideas explosivas”
Challenge: Build a Space Biology Superhero
USLA Team (2)
“The sky is the limit”
Challenge: Visualizing the Jovian System Like Never Before
ULSA Team (3)
“EL secreto del éxito está en cada uno de nosotros”
Challenge: Outfitting a Mars Habitat: A 3D Print Challenge
Water Bears (5)
Apocalyptic conditions? Water bears don’t care
Challenge: Exploring Venus Together
Arrival and Registration