
About the Universal School Pierre and Marie Curie

Trilingual education, international experiences, Cognia accreditation.

What education is. Education seeks to develop the power and sensibility of mind. On the one hand, the educational process transmits to the individual some part of the accumulation of knowledge, style, and values that constitute the culture of a people. In doing so, it shapes the impulses, the consciousness and the way of life of the individual. But education must also seek to develop the processes of intelligence so that the individual is capable of going beyond the cultural ways so that he/she can create an interior culture of his/her own. For whatever the art, the science, the literature, the history, and the geography of a culture, each person must be his/her own artist, his/her own scientist, his/her own historian, his/her own navigator. No person is master of the whole culture; indeed, this is almost a defining characteristic of that form of social memory that we speak of as culture. Each person lives a fragment of it. To be whole, he/she must create his/her own version of the world, using that part of his/her cultural heritage he/she has made his/hers through education.
Jerome Bruner


We are an educational institution that activates and accompanies the integral and uninterrupted education process for children who are the protagonists in their Preschool, Elementary, Middle and High School Education, facilitating their scientific and humanist formation and preparing new generations to live the Global Village, preserving the fundamental ethical values and principles and caring for a sustainable future in our planet.


We offer Curie School's students the best educational practices, updating constantly our pedagogical approach to prepare them to respond to the educational challenges within the global society of the third millennium. We abide to international standards for academic excellence and our objective is to strengthen the comprehensive preparation of our graduates for continuing their studies and constantly improve themselves, as professionals, building a better world for Humanity.


Curie Educational Learning Philosophy:

Curie School embraces the role of education as a transformational process through which the child has the opportunity to develop its full potentiality, creativity and learning capacity. Values and Principles shape the learning personality that will grow in knowledge and becoming, through a journey of personal management, adaptability and critical thinking. The ultimate goal of education is to procure the person holistic wellbeing in interaction with the wellbeing of others, caring for our planet Earth and becoming a learner for life.

What we learn:

Curie School would facilitate individual and collective learning processes. This learning processes will include the acquisition of the basic skills of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, Communication skills in English, Spanish and French, a strong emphasis toward the Sciences honoring Pierre and Marie Curie scientific and humanistic legacy; Art stimulation in Music, Visual Arts, Theater, Ceramics and Origami; Adaptability skills addresses the awareness for the survival of our planet Earth; leadership and personal management toward goal setting and self-motivation.

An Accredited School:

We are held to international standards and an institutional commitment to academic excellence. Curie School is accredited with the Ministry of Education of Nicaragua and Cognia at international level.

School climate and Infraestructure:

Learning infrastructure includes a Science Labs for Chemistry, Physics and Biology, two language labs, two libraries including one for Preschool, an archaeology museum, a semi-Olympic swimming pool, three soccer fields and two basketball courts.

Why choose us

  1. At Curie, innovation and creativity are passports to stimulation so that every girl and boy finds their own learning style and achieves their full potential. In Curie we love curieosity.
  2. Our students are explorers of their surroundings, of their country, the world, and beyond.
  3. The universe is our classroom.
  4. Our curriculum develops multiple intelligences and instill to embrace values and principles for life.
  5. We teach our students to love and care for our planet.

About our Pedagogical Practices

Teachers as facilitators of learning at the Knowledge and Technological Era:

Our Highly Effective Learning Community is aware of the incremental demands and concerns about education. The swift from the industrial education of the nineteenth and twentieth century demands a 360 degrees transformation, to stand to the challenge to educate students for the knowledge and technological era. Our teachers embrace the paradigm that students are at the center of our learning processes and that teachers, families and students have become an interactive community of learners, where we all learn from each other.

Our teaching methodology is based on constructivism pedagogical approach, where students learn by doing. Learning to learn is one key goal to be achieved. John Dewey's axiom that education is not education for life, but education is life itself is a truth to our daily inspiration.

Our teachers are conscious of our role as facilitators of knowledge. We have embraced this new role and have become a community of learners. Our whole community of teachers, practices peer to peer coaching and learning, and we organize ourselves working on a team basis. We practice a combination of strategies that include classical learning and blended learning. Blended learning stands for the use of technology and its combination with traditional blackboard and all sorts of non-technological devices.

Student Coaching: Students have access to professional coaching and guidance so that they would become great achievers in their learning undertaking.

All our community is committed to the success of our students at all levels. We privilege multiple learning skills and experiences.