

"Un buen libro es el mejor de los amigos, lo mismo hoy que siempre." Rubén Darío

We opened in 1997 with the mission of activating and encouraging the love of learning in our students who play a leading role in their Preschool, Primary, Middle and High School education, learning in an ideal pedagogical environment of Science, Art, and Humanism. The Curie education enables our students to learn to be, to do, to learn to learn, to learn to getting along together, endeavoring and overcoming.

Our School is deliberately oriented to the Sciences and is named after Pierre and Marie Curie, the discoverers of Radium and Polonium. The legacy of Marie and Pierre Curie allows girls and boys to become inspired and curieous toward the sciences. Learning by doing, every year we hold the Dr. Jaime Incer Barquero Science Fair in which every student since Preschool learns and experiments in order to encourage and satisfy their constant questioning of "why?" and little by little, they learn to find solutions, inquire about our universe and learn about the interconnectedness between human life and nature.

Curie team of teachers are committed to our Mission and Vision. Teachers have the vocation and training that enables them to teach subjects as webs, in order to facilitate creative and innovative learning. The role of teachers is to stimulate our students with their passion for knowledge and learning, applying blended learning that combines technology and classical methodologies for the best performance and achievement of each student.

The universe is our classroom. We learn in every setting, national and international. Our students learn at the open classroom that expands to visit factories and industries, agricultural crops, attend concerts, see theater plays, and attend major events that would be organized within the community. Curie students is home to the first Astronomy Observatory that serves our learning community as is first of its kind at Latin American countries. This way our students are exposed to the exploration of the universe through the Neil Armstrong Observatory becoming young astronomers since early age and learning the wisdom of the Astronomy science.

Curie School is linked to major scientific institutions that include the Space Center of NASA headquarters at Houston and International Asteroid Search Collaboration in United States. As a result of these international agreements in 2012 a group of students while working in their Science Fair project discovered Asteroid 2012 FE52, contributing to international knowledge of our solar system.

Our Middle School students also have virtual teaching classes with teachers from NASA at the Houston Space Center. Senior Students participate in the International Academic Trip to Paris, Venice, Florence, Rome and Athens visiting Museums and Piazzas learning by traveling they recreate the History and Culture in a direct contact with these icons of western civilization.

Starting in Preschool, we hold annual Ara Macao camping trips as part of our philosophy that the universe is our classroom while learning from "the open book of Nature." By the end of their years of schooling, our students have been all over the country, learning autonomy and living together with their classmates in an out-of-classroom setting. During the Ara Macao camping trips, they learn to value Nature and develop skill sets for climbing volcanoes, travelling along rivers, picking coffee, getting to know the wet and dry tropical forests, and more. The yearly trips are an opportunity for them to learn to be, learn to do, learn to learn, learn to get along with each other, and learn to survive.

Teaching the Arts is part of the backbone of the Curie education, helping to shape integrated and creative personalities with security in their own talent and an appreciation of the importance of culture and art in our daily life.

Our campus is designed to guarantee a pleasing and stimulating environment. Preschool, Primary, Middle School, and High School each have their own infrastructure while being connected to each other preserving their own space and independence. Our students have plenty of room for playing sports like soccer, basketball, volley ball, and swimming, as well as ping-pong and chess.

Our graduates go on to study successfully at national and international universities, winning scholarships and performing with high academic achievement.

Join our Highly Effective Learning Community and share the joy of your children's education with our philosophy of Science-Art-Humanism