
Contact us

Fill this form to request enrolling information. Ensure you enter the correct email and phone number to contact you properly, as soon as possible.

Requester personal information

Full Name *

Relation (Father/Mother, Tutor) *

Identity type *

Identity number *

Phone Number *

E-mail *

Country of domicile *

Exact address *

Children to study here *

Student(s) information

1.- Student full name

Level or grade to study

Birth date (m/d/Y)

Prevoius school

2.- Student full name

Level or grade to study

Birth date (m/d/Y)

Prevoius school

3.- Student full name

Level or grade to study

Birth date (m/d/Y)

Prevoius school

4.- Student full name

Level or grade to study

Birth date (m/d/Y)

Prevoius school

5.- Student full name

Level or grade to study

Birth date (m/d/Y)

Prevoius school

Additional information or notes

By using this form, you agree with our Terms and Conditions of Use.

Contact Information

  • +(505) 2276 1555
  • +(505) 2276 1611
  • +(505) 8768 5858
  • enrollment@curie.edu.ni
  • Residencial Las Colinas, Pierre y Marie Curie Avenue No. 97, Managua, Nicaragua.
